Almonds (Badam) 500gm
Almonds (Badam) 500gm
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Almonds (Badam) 500gm

₹418 ₹690 39% Off
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Effective Price ₹403
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High-quality, Crispy and Fresh Almonds

Quantity - 500gms

Benefits of Almonds:-

  • - Almonds are a wealthy source of Minerals, Proteins and Vitamins.
  • - It is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and fibre.
  • - Almonds are used to make oil that is used as a moisturizer as well as a culinary ingredient.

Usage:- They can be used as a garnish and is a common ingredient in desserts. Most popularly used to make badam milk.

Storage:- Store in cool and dry place.


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Zingoy Rewards Private Limited
Non Cancellable
Non Returnable
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