5.5% Cashback On Big Bazaar Voucher Worth Rs.250
Email delivery
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- E-Voucher will be delivered in 4-5 working days
- Big Bazaar's Voucher will be sent to your email.
- Email will contain the Voucher Code & Pin
- Show this code to the cashier at the time of billing to use your Instant Voucher to make payment.
- No physical voucher is couriered or required.
- Multiple Vouchers can be used against one bill.
- The Instant Voucher is valid till 11th march from the date of issue of voucher.
Can be used on offline stores only
- Please note this voucher cannot be used online.
- Visit the outlet near you.
- Before making the purchase confirm about the acceptance of Gift Card at the store.
- Choose the products you would like to buy.
- Show your Gift Card details to the cashier at the time of billing & pay any balance amount by cash or card.
Seller Information
Sold by
Zingoy Rewards Private Limited
Non Cancellable
Non Returnable